Extensive Experience. Knowledgeable. Expert Negotiators. Strategists. IRS Savvy.

When dealing with the IRS or any other taxing authority, you must know the rules if you’re going to play the game. Not knowing the rules, procedures and expectations can lead to real trouble. You must know your rights and the limitations of authority granted to IRS and State tax agents.

That is where the Representation Services team at DHL&S comes in. We have extensive experience in working with the IRS; we know the rules, what the IRS expects and what they can and cannot do. This knowledge is critical to a successful engagement with both federal and state taxing authorities.

We can help you develop examination strategies.

If it becomes necessary, we understand how the appeals process works and can help our clients create and execute appeals strategies. And if your case cannot be resolved through negotiation or the appeals process, we work with your attorney to develop and execute successful litigation strategies.

Our services include:

  • Developing examination strategies
  • Developing technical support for challenged tax return items
  • Assistance in preparing appeals documents and filings
  • Assistance in developing and negotiating settlement proposals
  • Represent clients during the examination and appeals processes
  • Assist with developing penalty avoidance strategies

Who we serve

Our Representation Services team can assist clients in the following areas (we guarantee that your client will not become our client):

  • Law firms with limited representation and tax experience
  • Individual taxpayers
  • Small Law or CPA Firms – we can serve as a resource to help you represent your clients with taxing authorities in several ways:
    • As a 3rd party advisor on technical or procedural issues or developing examination and appeals strategies
    • Or as a temporary member of your professional service team to help reach successful resolutions of tax issues for your clients

What We’ve Done

  • Negotiated reduction in proposed sales and use tax assessment from more than $3 million to less than $1 million
  • Negotiated settlements at examining agent level in many cases
  • Favorably settled numerous cases at both the Group Manager and Appellate levels
  • Negotiated favorable settlement of numerous penalty cases

For more information, please contact us at (203) 929-3535, or by clicking below.

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